Thursday, 4 August 2011

Fun filled first week of Summer Experiences

The new Summer Experiences by Sally Parkinson Photography started this week with the Lady Gaga Workshop.
Enthusiastic 7-12 yr olds gathered at the Headgate Theatre, Colchester for a day of dance, costume and fun. The day started with learning the routine choreographed and taught by professional dancer, Sarah Khouchane (Dance 2the Beat). By lunchtime the routine had been learned and dancers pulled the names of their costume creation out of a hat. We even had a visit from Michael Jackson. One boy joined us as he was unable to come to the Michael Jackson workshop so the routine was adapted to forfill his dream, he loved every second!
MJ Gaga!
 After lunch the costumes were revealed to the eager audience and the transformation took place. Costumes made from old clothes, cardboard, tin foil, plastic name it, they wore it! And how wonderful they looked.
After posing for their professional photograph, it was time for the little starlets to perform in costume to their parents. Each child took home a photograph of their experience.
More Glee style dance workshops are coming up this month and include Beyonce, Black Eyed Peas and Michael Jackson. 
Metallic Gaga

Little Red Riding Gaga

Bad Romance Gaga